Guide hashnode by TonyNode


3 min read

Guide hashnode

This is a guide to help you create rich posts on Hashnode.

Hashnode Editor supports simple markdown along with some special tags to embed Tweets, YouTube videos, Codepen snippets, etc. Scroll for more.

Headers Hashnode supports Atx-style headers. Use 1-6 hash characters at the start of the line, corresponding to header levels 1-6. For example:

//# This is Heading 1

This is Heading 1

//## This is Heading 2

This is Heading 2

//### This is Heading 3

This is Heading 3

//#### This is Heading 4

This is Heading 4

//##### This is Heading 5

This is Heading 5

//###### This is Heading 6

This is Heading 6

Embeds Hashnode uses to support all kinds of embed on the platform. You DON'T have to paste the platform specific embed code. Just follow the following syntax and the magic will happen.

//Embed Tweets

//Embed YouTube Videos

//Embed Github Repo

//Embed Codepen

//Embed Glitch

//Embed Soundcloud

//Embed Expo

//Embed Loom

//Embed Vimeo

, additional valid parameters can be passed to customize the player.


Visit this link for more details on how to customize the player, supported URL types and parameters.

//Embed Canva

//Embed any article on web or website

Code Snippets Inline code Use the Grave accent keys ` for the inline code snippets. In QWERTY keypads, this key can be written using Ctrl + 1.

This is a normal sentence with some code in it. The above will output the following:

This is a normal sentence with some code.

Block code Wrap the code blocks with tripple Grave accent keys. ``` for showing big blocks of code in your content. For example:

if (isServer && user) {
    store.userStore.currentUser = user;

The above will look like: (Hashnode supports generic code highlighting. Most of the time, it will be applied to the code blocks after you publish the content.)

if (isServer && user) { store.userStore.currentUser = user; } Text formatting Bold: Wrap the text with double astricks to make it bold. We will use while parsing. For example: Bold text**

Italics: Wrap the text with single astricks character to make it italics. For example: Italic text*. We will wrap the text with tag while parsing.

The bold and italics markdown syntax works inside almost any block level elements. Like Quotes, Lists, Inline code, etc.

Quotes Use the greater than sign to format a text as a quote. For example:

Where there is a will there is a way! Where there is a will there is a way!

Links //I'm an inline link: I'm an inline link

Inline Images Use Hashnode's image uploader to upload your image to Hashnode CDN.

Moonbeam myNFT

Latex support Please note: To use newline in an expression, you will have to use (\\) instead of the standard latex command (\).

You can render LaTeX mathematical expressions using MathJax. Wrap your inline expression in \( and \) Ex. \( YOUR_EXPRESSION_HERE \).

To use it as a separate block, wrap your expression in $$ or \[ and \] Ex.


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